Safety Tips You Should Consider for Walking on Your Roof

DIY home owner replacing tile

When you’re walking on your roof, there are many potential issues and hazards that you have to keep in mind. DIY roofing enthusiasts are most at risk, but there are also dangers that you can face simply by climbing a ladder to inspect your roof’s shingles and flashing.


The biggest danger when walking on your roof is that you could slip and fall off, possibly facing severe injury. This can happen especially when rainwater is still on your roof, so it’s important to take precautions and, if possible, avoid walking on your roof right after a big storm.


As with mountain climbing, roofing also requires special shoes that offer an improved grip. As you walk on your roof, wearing special roofing shoes will help you avoid slipping and reduce the likelihood of injury.


Of course, you can never be too careful, so it’s a good idea to also use a sturdy harness fastened securely to a sturdy part of your roof – preferably a heavy and well-designed chimney, or a sturdy metal part. Your harness will protect you from a bad fall in the event that you do slip or lose your balance.


Finally, the ladder you use should be made from a sturdy material such as metal, and feature feet that can provide adequate grip. It’s important to be extra careful especially when climbing down, and to test the ladder before you start descending from your roof. Companies such as TSV Construction and Roofing are up to date with all their safety precautions and and should be consulted before attempting a DIY roofing project.



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