The Advantages of Installing an EPDM Roof on a Residential Home in Colorado

Advantages Highlands Ranch Roofing EPDM Products

Installing an EPDM roof on a residential home may be a very good idea, because it certainly has many important advantages. Also known as a “rubber roof”, this type of roofing system is highly durable and is available in either white or black.

The main benefit of this type of roof is the fact that it is extremely easy to install and maintain. EPDM rolls are long and large, and there are fewer chances for leaks to occur. This system is among the most long-lasting roofing available on the market.

Moreover, it is also very light in weight. And because it is basically rubber roofing, it has the ability to resist hail stones, which simply bounce off it. And no matter if you live in a cold or a hot climate area, you will certainly greatly benefit from this roofing option, as it keeps energy consumption to a minimum. And when this type of roofing reaches the end of its life, it can be recycled and re-used as a roofing material.

As it has been previously mentioned, the membranes are very flexible and resistant to harsh weather. However, regular Highlands Ranch roofing maintenance is still recommended in order to have a long-lasting, functional roof.


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