TSV Construction and Roofing

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Preventing Roof Leaks on A Flat Roof

Buildings with flat roofs have two great advantages: 1) the roof can be transformed into a space for relaxation or fun and 2) strong winds will not blow roofing materials off. However, flat roofs also have a major disadvantage: water infiltrations occur easily when the waterproofing layer is damaged.

The waterproofing membrane must be impeccable. Roof infiltrations can cause great damage, so investing in prevention measures will protect the building in the long run.

What are the causes of roof leaks on a flat roof

-          the existence of micro cracks in the structure of the membranes that cover the roof. These micro cracks can be caused by freeze-thaw cycles, but also by freezing or heat waves separately

-          lack of coverings on the exterior attics

-          chimneys, antennas, vents, access ways to the roof and other roof penetrations

-          intermittent heat sealing or intermittent welding at the joints and the ends of the insulating strips

-          mechanical perforations and waterproofing membranes that are not properly installed in the first place

Infiltration points can be visible or invisible, depending on their size. In general, the visible damage is formed at the level of expansion joints, plate joints, drainage holes and roof penetrations. Invisible infiltration points can be detected depending on the condensation that is formed, due to temperature differences, on the cold parts of the building.

Preventing roof leaks on a flat roof is related to the quality of waterproofing products, the quality of the installation and the maintenance of the roof. Ask the advice of a Parker roof repair technician and get the repairs done before winter arrives.