Is There Really a Shortage in Roofing Supplies This Summer?

roofing companies supplies inventory


You’ve probably heard it from some roofers, and it has been confirmed by many experts that COVID-19 has really done a number on many of the industries associated with construction. Materials tend to be scarce, and anyone who wants to use rare roofing materials is being put on a waiting list because there is a shortage due to some materials not making it into the country.


It’s no secret that the US imports many of its construction materials from Europe, and since lockdowns have prevented ships from delivering their materials on a regular basis, even the fact that there were fewer roofing projects overall in 2020 didn’t do much to help fix the shortage problem. Right now there is a very real shortage of materials predicted for this summer, so experts are saying that unnecessary projects should be put on hold and homeowners and business owners should consider aiming closer to home when it comes to choosing their roofing materials.


All in all, the shortage isn’t a huge one, but it has slowed down the industry so that even large commercial roofing companies are experiencing difficulties and delays. If you want to avoid all these issues, simply research the materials that are not in shortage and consider looking up a roof that will make more use of them, rather than imported roofing products. Local Centennial roofing companies that have inventory are keeping very busy.

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